Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 18:49:23 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Re: Hibernate under windows 98

>Misunderstanding. I was writing about the Libretto 70 built-in
>sound. I always use that although I have gotten a 16 bit pcmicia
>IBM sound card to work by disabling the built-in sound. I only did it
>out of curiousity though and never use it.

Shucks... thought I'd finally found someone actually recording these days 
with such a card ... :-(

> > I'm still hoping to pin down just what's causing that modem > problem.  
>I've boiled it down to a conflict between its drivers, > the Toshiba Power 
>Saver driver for the L70, and the L70.  No > problem on the L50.

>Have you tried removing the Toshiba power saver?

Well, I want the power saver.  But no one seemed to know how to uninstall it 
after it's installed, even if I did want to remove it.

Ran into a problem setting up RoadRunner the other day because its installer 
wanted the system to boot with the combo modem card inserted ND a cable 
connected to the RoadRunner modem.  Had to create another Win98 partition 
WITHOUT the Toshiba Power Saver drivers installed in order to have the 70CT 
boot with the card in.  But it does work that way at least.


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