Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 09:47:25 -0800
From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Flexible batteries...

Anyone want to bug them about a battery sheet just slightly smaller than
the footprint of an L100?

Could you imagine a battery that added 1/4" thickness to an L100/110 but
increased the battery life a ton?

Imagine having a battery pack the same shape as the current one, but
1/8-1/4" deeper, and extending across the bottom of the L100/110, for truly
long life portable use.  Granted, you couldn't use the Enhanced replicator,
but maybe the battery pack could be built to work around the SPR?

Building a pack that utilized the entire volume of the current pack plus
several cubic inches under the Lib would probably give a pretty decent
battery time.

Heck, even a separate battery pack with the L100/110 footprint and a cable,
so it could be Velcroed under the EPR would be cool.  Then you could Velcro
it under the Lib or the EPR and jack it into the AC plug.  Someone could
design a case with the cheater circuitry built right in ;-)

| Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support, Sun Microsystems
| Sun ONE Support -
| Please do not associate my personal views with my employer

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