Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 12:27:23 EST
Subject: W98 Power Saver Glitch - Developments

Here's a brief review of the process and results, pursuant to the Tosh 
Powersaver issue and my attempts to get the Hairy Light Bulb, Hibernation, and 
Standby working under W98se (generic, OEM copy, NOT Tosh) on a non-overclocked 
plain-jane L100CT w/64MB RAM and a Travelstar/Hitachi IC25N040ATMR04 80GN 40GB HDD:

1.  Installed EZDrive V9.09W w/EZBIOS V9.06, created 4 partitions, all FAT32. 
 No problems.
2.  Installed W98 w/hacked boot disk and Sony PRD-650 CDROM, no problems.  
Chose Laptop option.  Noted ACPI in System Properties, also yellow question mark 
w/no details in Device Manager. Typical of past installs.
3.  Copied Tosh utilities to HDD (video, W98FDD, L100ctrl.exe, 
4.  Installed Neomagic, FDD drivers.  Set display for 800x600 (panning), 
5.  Installed PQ Drive Image 4.0, Partition Magic 8.0.
6.  Set up unallocated space at cylinders 1011-1039 (for now, no risk).
7.  Imaged C:\ 
8.  Attempted Hibernation (and Standby) w/ Hibernation Enabled in Power 
Management and BIOS set to Hibernation mode.  Both successful. (Note: Hairy Light 
Bulb and Power Saver 98 NOT installed at thsi point.)
9.  Installed L100ctrl.exe, attempted Hibernation & Standby - unsuccessful.
10.  Restored image.
11.  Installed L100ps98.exe (W98 Power Saver update)
12.  Attempted Hibernation & Standby - unsuccessful.
13.  Restored image.
14.  Retrieved and installed L110ctl8.exe; this is the 1.1MB Controls driver 
written for the L110.  It incorporates the Hairy Light Bulb utility AND Power 
Saver 98 in one install.  It successfully added a "Power scheme": "Toshiba 
Power Mode" to the W98 Power Management utility.  The L100ps98.exe did not.
15.  Attempted Hibernation and Standby - SUCCESS!

Toshiba has made a habit of providing some of the latest utilities for the 
L100/110 series only in the L110 section, a la the W98 FDD driver.  So it made 
sense to try this L110 Controls utility.  I wonder whether some of the 
inconsistencies on the List relative to hibernation on L100s and L110s over the years 
have been due to the use of these 2 different Controls pacakges and the clear 
differences in their behavior.

Any ideas on this, and are there any "acid tests" I might apply to check this 
set up before proceeding to a W2K install?


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