Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 14:45:49 EST
Subject: Re: [LIB] W98 Power Saver Glitch - Developments

In a message dated 1/10/2004 11:16:13 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

> > Here's a brief review of the process and results, pursuant to the Tosh
> > Powersaver issue and my attempts to get the Hairy Light Bulb, Hibernation, 
> and
> > Standby working under W98se (generic, OEM copy, NOT Tosh) on a 
> non-overclocked
> > plain-jane L100CT w/64MB RAM and a Travelstar/Hitachi IC25N040ATMR04 80GN 
> 40GB HDD:
> :
> [snip]
> :
> > 15.  Attempted Hibernation and Standby - SUCCESS!
> Congratulations and thank you for reporting.
> If you go into the BIOS (cold boot with Esc key pressed, [password if
> set,] <F1>), what is the current setting of "Power up mode"? (boot,
> suspend or hibernate?)

It is set to Boot

> If it is set to "boot", what is the result if you set it to "hibernate",
> save (<END + reboot>, start Win98SE, shut down, and again go into the
> BIOS from cold boot? Is the "hibernate" setting retained or again reset
> to "boot"?

Well, first, when the L100 booted after resetting to Hibernate from Boot, 
Hibernation using the power switch (as it's set up in Power management) from 
W98se worked, and resumed properly.  Interestingly, the wallpaper changed to blue 
with the Microsoft Windows 98 w/flag icon in the upper right corner.

After shutting down, restarting and entering BIOS, the mode has been reset to 
Boot.  So, with the Boot setting apparently perpetuated by W98/Tosh, will the 
L100 be prevented from hibernating due to overheating and/or low battery?  Or 
only from hibernating in DOS?  Or neither?  Or both?

> > Toshiba has made a habit of providing some of the latest utilities for the
> > L100/110 series only in the L110 section, a la the W98 FDD driver.  So it 
> made
> > sense to try this L110 Controls utility.  I wonder whether some of the
> > inconsistencies on the List relative to hibernation on L100s and L110s 
> over the years
> > have been due to the use of these 2 different Controls pacakges and the 
> clear
> > differences in their behavior.
> > 
> > Any ideas on this, and are there any "acid tests" I might apply to check 
> this
> > set up before proceeding to a W2K install?
> I've put one "acid test" above, but to be exact the problems you have
> described (no hibernation in Win98) differ a bit from the ones I had (no
> hibernation in other operating systems). But as they are closely related
> I am quite curious to other people's findings.
> FWIW, during my search for the cause of the consistent reset of the BIOS
> hibernation setting, I've installed all Win95 & Win98 Toshiba stuff I
> could find in Win98 (Utilities, Power Saving, etc). I have never put one
> version over the other but reinstalled Win98 in between. Results:
> everything always worked as expected, including hairy light bulb,
> hibernation :-) _and_ resetting the BIOS Power up mode setting :-(
> I've even tried packages for Tecra and Portege, some of which worked
> too.

I haven't installed any of these utilities over another, just tried different 
combinations.  Indeed, part of my frustration has been that in the previous 
setup I had hibernation and standby working with the L100ctrl + L100ps98.  Now, 
that combination won't function - it freezes on resume from both hibernation 
and standby.  No idea why.

> So my guess is that the various versions Toshiba have put up do not
> matter much. What does matter is the order in which utilities are
> installed, and especially what options have been installed in Windows
> itself before applying Toshiba packages (think of ACPI).

I would agree, up until this episode - in fact my last go-round (a year ago 
with a 20GB HDD) clearly demonstrated the requirement to install the L100ctrl 
first, then the Power Saver update (L100ps98) to enable all functions.  I'm 
still not clear what role ACPI plays, as the only version of W98se I've installed 
apparently sets up ACPI by default (maybe as a function of selecting the 
Laptop option during Setup?).  But this time around, there is no way hibernation 
or standby would resume with the L100 drivers/utilities.  So the version 
appears to matter, with no clear correlation to any identifiable hardware or 

> But no worries, if you just stick to Windows (98, 98SE, ME, 2K, XP),
> you'll have no problems. Be sure to install W9x first and only then W2K.

That's the plan.  One day I'll be brave and attempt some flavor of Linux.

> Problems with hibernation might be expected only (AFAIK) if you install
> non-MS operating systems next to Win98(SE).
> Philip

Thanks for your help and information.  You have a very informative web page - 
I had tripped across it in some Google searches, and had it bookmarked.  The 
W2K stuff will be most helpful.


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