Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 21:20:44 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Spontaneous Hibernation


An interesting problem is now occurring on my L100CT/W2K/64MB/40GB. Within a few minutes of a stable W2K Desktop, W2K hibernation occurs w/o any user input. The power settings are for monitor blanking first, followed by Standby after 10 minutes or so - no hibernation mode is selected in the power settings under any circumstance.

If I initiate some activity (mouse, keyboard, software) after W2K loads, everything proceeds normally, and if unattended for the requisite time, the screen blanks and Standby happens as it should.

The Resume process works as it should after one of these unexpected hibernations, so no real harm done.

Any thoughts? Not a serious problem, but curious, anyway.

Only self-defense against overheating


Christian Gennerat

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