Something that may be of interest:

especially my comment #8.

For non-Gentoo users:
eautoreconf (if I were to simplify it) is something like this:
- first call aclocal (with additional -I options, if needed)
- then check for libtool use and call 'libtoolize -c -f -i', if required
(of course, -i is just for libtool 2)
- if libtoolize was called, call aclocal again
- call autoconf (and autoheader, if needed)
- finally, call 'automake -c -f'

AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR conflict (comment #15) is a well known 
libtool 2 change.

So, guile does build correctly with libtool 2 with only
a trivial change (that AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR thing).


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