I would like to download gzip (or similarly encoded) HTML content. If I
keep the response in a variable, I can decode the contents using the
'decoded_content' method, as follows (Just extracted from a working
script, but not tested):

        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use base 'HTTP::Message';
        use LWP::UserAgent

        my $can_accept = HTTP::Message::decodable;

        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
        my $response = $ua->get($uri, 'Accept-Encoding' => $can_accept);
        print $response->decoded_content, "\n";

On the other hand, another variation of the 'get' method can save a
response to a file, as in:

        $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $filename);

But I couldn't find a way to first deflate the contents that is
saved to file.

Can someone point me to the right part of the LWP package?


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