On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 03:54:51PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I see that there has been some discussion and assertion about the powers 
> bestowed by copyright. The focus has been on what it apparently allows the 
> owner to prevent 'legitimate' users to do. I do not know which jurisdiction 

I wasn't going to advertise this on the license-discuss list, but in
light of all of the recent legal banter, I think many readers of this
list might appreciate it.

Slightly different topic, but related to copyright and free software.

I've recently begun a new list for the discussion of legal issues
for writers of p2p software, node/client operators, indexing service
operators, and others with an interest in peer-to-peer services.
It is designed for constructive discussion about how we can separate
technology from its uses, and in the end help to advance this field.

The list is at http://dtype.org/mailman/listinfo/p2p-legal/

So far, about 40 people have joined, including free software authors
from several of the major projects, a lawyer or two, and several other
free speech interested parties. It is so far relatively quiet, but
I'm still recruiting the right crowd for what will hopefully be productive
discussion in the future.

The list is _not_ for legal advice, but rather for peer discussion. Lawyers
are invited too, of course.

This will be my only post regarding p2p-legal to this list.


M. Drew Streib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://dtype.org/
FSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    | Linux International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
freedb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        | SourceForge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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