I'm not sure if anyone got back to Giorgio on this. I am sure he would
appreciate this group's thoughts.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Osi] [General enquiries] Type of License and Keylock
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 19:35:13 +0000 (UTC)
From: gior...@sommaruga.org
To: o...@opensource.org
Giorgio Sommaruga (gior...@sommaruga.org) sent a message using the contact
form at http://opensource.org/contact.
My team is developing a project in business area.
The software is developed in two segment.
A first segment is a basic version of software with an Open Source license,
but we don't want to allow to modify the code and then resell it. We want to
allow changes only for personal use.
And second segment is based over the basic version but with other proprietary
code, for example for more other functions or add-ons.
We want to enable our partners to modify the software and sell it, but only
with our authorization and acquiring the rights of the changes.
Furthermore we would like to combine the software with a hardware protection,
at least for the "business" but if possible also for the "Open" segment.
This, at least to keep track of who is using the software.
As an alternative for the Open segment, we would like to force the user to
register the software in order to receive an activation code.
Is this possible in the context of OSI licenses and which one?
Thanks in advance.
Giorgio Sommaruga
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