On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Mike Milinkovich <
mike.milinkov...@eclipse.org> wrote:

> On 20/05/2015 4:40 PM, Lawrence Rosen wrote:
>> Apache Legal JIRA-218 asked:
>>> >>My question is about whether "Eclipse Public License -v 1.0"
>>>> >>is compatible with our Apache License 2.0.
>>>> >>I couldn't find an answer onhttps://
>>>> www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html.
> This was at addressed in the now apparently defunct ASF document entitled
> "Drafted (and out of date) Third-Party Licensing Policy" that Cliff Schmidt
> wrote years ago. You can still find the text of the document at [1].
> Unfortunately the version that is linked from the Apache Legal page[2] has
> somehow been mangled. As far as I know, that document was used for quite a
> few years as the main guidance for Apache projects on these topics. I am
> not quite sure why it was deprecated without a replacement. The fact that a
> reference to the EPL wasn't migrated to [3] just seems kinda weird. ... In
> that document, the EPL was included in the list of "Category B: Reciprocal
> Licenses".

Shouldn't be anything to worry about here Mike - EPL 1.0 has been on the B
list since Cliff's original and was migrated over happily to resolved.html.
That JIRA issue ( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-218 ) was
because the page says 'EPL 1.0' and the OP was searching, I suspect, for

Nothing's changed EPL+policy wise from Cliff's work :)

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