Hi Charles,

Thanks for the response and apologies in advance on the html-encoding; 
responding from a web client that doesn't let me recode the message.

Judges are likely to support reasonable contractual terms, but they will 
evaluate the specific circumstances at hand and have no obligation to blindly 
agree that something-or-other causes irreparable harm just because a contract 
says that it does:

The injunction request would stem from someone not adhering to the license / 
agreement terms, regardless of whether it is causing harm (though it's probably 
easy to argue that someone not conforming with reasonable terms is causing de 
facto harm).

1) which existing OSI-approved licenses impose derivative requirements (e.g., 
such that others must rename, that changes must be itemized, etc) and,

The old BSD license and the zlib license also have mandatory attribution 

Failing to provide attribution isn't the issue.  It's negative association:  
changes made that the original author does not want to have associated with 


Indeed. Beyond that, requiring modified versions to have changes be clearly 
identified is reasonable and compatible with the OSD. Requiring changes to be 
announced or made available to the original authors would violate the OSD.

One of the goals is to allow people to modify software to suit themselves. 
Unless they redistribute the changed versions to external parties, people 
should have the right to make private changes.

Absolutely.  How to enable and preserve that freedom without negatively 
affecting the original author.

Releasing software under an Open Source license means that the original author 
cannot prevent someone from changing that software, even in ways that the 
original author does not like. This is intentional.

Yes, unquestionably.

Now, if a bad actor does something against the law-- anything from harrassment, 
wrongful removal of copyright statements, or explicit violations of the 
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act-- then the author would have valid grounds for 
requesting damages and/or injunctive relief against the wrongful conduct.

Consider a case that is not necessarily against the law but still damaging 
(probably politically) in nature.

Maybe I take your software and change the splash screen to a tabloidesque 
picture of Jesus hugging Muhammad holding a pride flag while sitting on a 
Balrog's lap and I redistribute.  Maybe I even get my version accepted into the 
Google Play Store and it makes news headlines.  OSD says I have that right, I 
do it in a way that I'm not in violation of any terms of service -- but the 
question at hand is what measures can you as an original author put in place to 
not make it seem to others like you made that derivative?

I can trademark the product so you at least have to change the name.  CDDL 
would require me to itemize what I changed.  I believe I've seen bsd-style 
licensing from NIST that essentially says others are forbidden from using their 
name and/or logo in any way.

Are there any methods beyond trademarking that would be LGPL/GPL compatible?

The desired effect is disassociation so that if a bad actor does comply, it's 
clearly not harmful to the original author.  If they do not comply, injunctive 
relief should be trivial.



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