Sorry, this isn’t an issue.

Q. Does using CC0 affect my ability to disclaim warranties?

A. No. CC0 explicitly disclaims "representations or warranties of any kind" 
(see 4(b)). This is not affected by CC0's abandonment of all copyright-related 
rights to the extent legally possible. Disposing of an asset (whether or not 
gratis) often involves a statement by the prior owner as to the state of the 
asset disposed of such that the owner has no responsibility/liability for 
things that may go wrong once the asset is no longer theirs. As with a quit 
claim used with real property, with CC0 a copyright holder abandons or quits 
their interest without any further obligation, including without warranty.

License Text:

4.b Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or warranties 
of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, 
including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for 
a particular purpose, non infringement, or the absence of latent or other 
defects, accuracy, or the present or absence of errors, whether or not 
discoverable, all to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.

On 11/7/17, 12:20 PM, "License-discuss on behalf of David Woolley" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    On 07/11/17 17:09, Shahar Or wrote:
    > Is there good reason for this request, at all? I mean, can they not 
    > otherwise depend on my software, if their software is CC0 licensed?
    > When I conveyed my reluctance it was suggested that I dual-license.
    Dual licensing is pointless, as CC0 is always more permissive, so there 
    is really no point in anyone using the alternative licence.
    Please request the person making this request to indemnify you against 
    all actions for damages as a result of using the software, and ensure 
    they have the resources to back that indemnity.
    The reason for not using CC0 is that open source licences generally 
    always include a waiver of warranty as part of the conditions of the 
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