Hey Viktor,

> If you use Hibernate you could simply configure the L2-cache and have
> Hibernate manage it for you. (EHCache or whatever cache-provider you like)
> This means you won't have to manually use the filesystem and can let the
> cache-provider do what it's good at :)

I tried to implement L2 cache before with lift and didnt get very far
- perhaps i'll give it another go.

My other concern is performance - given a table like:

create table tree_items (
  id int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment,
  parent_id int(11) unsigned,
  name varchar(20),
  other_content varchar(255),
  primary key (id)

where parent_id defines the tree structure, im a little worried that
the queries would be come fairly bloated? I also did some looking
around to see if there were any examples online of tree structures in
JPA but alas could not find anything usefull - it appears its quite


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