I've tried twice to get NetBeans up and running on my MacBook Pro with 2 
gigs of RAM. Both times I made the mistake of loading in the entire 
liftweb library. After that -- and even after I closed the liftweb 
master project -- NetBeans will lock up for long periods of time (e.g. 
ten minutes or more) every few keystrokes to do some sort of indexing. 
It is unbelievably frustrating. Closing and re-opening NetBeans, 
rebooting the computer, etc. do nothing to help. As far as I can tell, 
once that happens, NetBeans is toast.

I plan to reinstall NetBeans (for the nth time) and *never* open Lift in 
it, but that sort of defeats the purpose a bit since perusing the source 
code is where it would be most useful. Maybe I need to set some variable 
differently? I tried enlarging the heap space and things just got worse.

I don't seem to have a plethora of other choices.


David Pollak wrote:
> Charles,
> I use NetBeans and a whole lot of printlns.  In general, if you've got a 
> case class or Scala collections, the toString methods are pretty 
> descriptive of what's going on.
> I have heard tell that it's possible to hook the NetBeans debugger up to 
> a running Jetty instance and do breakpoints in the Scala code and 
> inspect variables.  I have not tried it myself.
> Thanks,
> David
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Charles F. Munat <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     One of the hardest parts about learning Lift and Scala is not really
>     know what objects look like. Things get pretty complicated and it's
>     difficult to remember what's in what.
>     It would be very nice to be able to step through Lift and see exactly
>     what is where in memory and how things change, etc. Normally, I'd use an
>     IDE for this. I used to work in C#, and Visual Studio has some very nice
>     tools. I can step through the program, look in any variable to see
>     what's in it, etc.
>     In Ruby, I use TextMate. I'm not very good at it, so most of my
>     techniques are more rudimentary. But Rails has a nice method called
>     debug. I can spit out what's in a variable by just adding:
>     <%= debug @my_variable %>
>     to a template. Lift, however, eschews code in templates. I created a
>     Test snippet to do the same thing, but I'm having trouble understanding
>     reflection in Scala. In Ruby, object.inspect or object.to_yaml can give
>     me a pretty good picture of the object.
>     I've tried Lift in Eclipse, NetBeans, and JEdit and none of them seem to
>     work very well. Out of memory errors are common, or I just can't seem to
>     get it set up properly.
>     What tricks are others using to make it easier to see what's going on in
>     Lift? Is there a way to step through a request and see exactly what
>     happens and in what order? I would kill for that ability.
>     Chas.
> -- 
> Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
> Collaborative Task Management http://much4.us
> Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
> Git some: http://github.com/dpp
> > 

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