Here's the page source.  (Please forgive the CSS mess... this is a work in


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:48 PM, David Pollak

> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Alex Boisvert <>wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Marius <> wrote:
>>> Do you have the actual markup without applying the corners and after
>>> applying it?
>> The DOM trees are exactly the same, except for the unique ids that Lift
>> generate for the field names.
>>> What does it mean in breaks submission? ... No request is made?
>>> request is made but doesn't call the user's function? Is only Ajax
>>> affected or any form?
>> The request is made but it doesn't call my user function.
>> I'm not sure how to tell the difference between AJAX or any form...
> Can you send over the page source as well?
>> My snippet is fairly straightforward:
>>   def entry(xhtml: Group): NodeSeq = {
>>     var entry: String = ""
>>     def add() = {
>>       S.notice("entry: %s".format(entry))
>>     }
>>     bind("ts", xhtml,
>>       "entry" -> SHtml.text(entry, entry = _, ("maxlength", "30")),
>>       "submit" -> SHtml.submit("Submit", add _, ("class", "rounded
>> {transparent} button")))
>>   }
>> alex
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web framework
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[_] Intalio Timesheet
Week 6
Feb. 4th to Feb. 11th 2009

What have you done?  (syntax)

Invalid format: Unrecognized @ after "tas3"
Day Description Duration Project Tags
Monday Implement DeploymentService 1.5h Server 5.3 @testing @tas3
Monday Implement DeploymentService 1.5h Server 5.3 @testing @tas3 [Delete]
Tuesday Implement DeploymentService 1.5h Server 5.3 @testing @tas3 [Delete]
Tuesday Implement DeploymentService 1.5h Server 5.3 @testing @tas3 [Delete]
Total 33h

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