
Im just starting to look at RabbitMQ and lift-amqp. I have a situation
where by I have a central pot of information and a bunch of different
consumers that want to keep up to date with changes to things they are
interested in (specifically, we'll call the things they are interested
in "jobs").

Im thinking that the central application will probably use some kind
of actor schedule to constantly update its information about all jobs
(as it in turn will be getting it through some SOAP services),
however, what I would then like it to do is notify any other consumers
(which will  be other applications) that have opted to subscribe to
information / updates about that job via AMQP. Consumers will also be
able to hand messages to the central service and effectively say "deal
with this job and notify me about any changes".

Now then, excuse my complete ignorance as im new to AMQP but its
possible to build such a workflow, right? Any pro's / con's in doing

Just looking for a bit of a sounding board right now so any
information / feedback would be greatly appreciated

Cheers, Tim

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