
Alexis here from RabbitMQ.

This is definitely a good use case for RabbitMQ and AMQP.  It has been
implemented by quite a few folks, in a range of styles.  In your case
I think you probably want to express subscription interest based on
single keywords (eg "bigjob", "littlejob").  You would do this by
binding your work queues to a direct exchange by subscription key, and
then attaching consumers to queues (which can be shared, or single-
user).  Consumers who wish to create work would simply publish
messages to the exchange, attaching a suitable routing key to each
message they send.  So in this example keys are, in effect, job types.

Here are some links you may find useful:

* http://blogs.digitar.com/jjww/2009/01/rabbits-and-warrens/ -
introductory article by a python user
* http://www.rabbitmq.com/how.html - general linkfest
* http://github.com/ezmobius/nanite/tree/master - one of several ruby
based worker patterns

Please do cross-post to rabbitmq-discuss if you want the RabbitMQ
community to comment.



On 23 Apr, 03:10, TylerWeir <tyler.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You may want to talk to Steve Jenson (aka @stevej) about your app
> needs.
> I'm not sure he still visits the list, so twitter may be the best
> avenue.
> On Apr 22, 6:48 pm, Tim Perrett <timo...@getintheloop.eu> wrote:
> > Guys,
> > Im just starting to look at RabbitMQ and lift-amqp. I have a situation
> > where by I have a central pot of information and a bunch of different
> > consumers that want to keep up to date with changes to things they are
> > interested in (specifically, we'll call the things they are interested
> > in "jobs").
> > Im thinking that the central application will probably use some kind
> > of actor schedule to constantly update its information about all jobs
> > (as it in turn will be getting it through some SOAP services),
> > however, what I would then like it to do is notify any other consumers
> > (which will  be other applications) that have opted to subscribe to
> > information / updates about that job via AMQP. Consumers will also be
> > able to hand messages to the central service and effectively say "deal
> > with this job and notify me about any changes".
> > Now then, excuse my complete ignorance as im new to AMQP but its
> > possible to build such a workflow, right? Any pro's / con's in doing
> > this?
> > Just looking for a bit of a sounding board right now so any
> > information / feedback would be greatly appreciated
> > Cheers, Tim

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