That was it.  I pulled again from git and now I can start the examples-osgi

However, one more nitpick...  I can load index.htm but the snippet isn't
rendered correctly because some resources can't be found.

[5285...@qtp-20735553-0 - /] INFO
org.ops4j.pax.web.service.internal.HttpServiceContext - getting resource:
[5285...@qtp-20735553-0 - /] INFO
org.ops4j.pax.web.service.internal.HttpServiceContext - found resource: null

Is that normal?  I can see the following displayed:

  <p>From a snippet: <span>Hi, I am a snippet from a Lift-powered OSGi

but there's no surrounding <html> <body> ... </body> </html> so the browser


On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Heiko Seeberger <> wrote:

> When did you check out? I pushed again about one or two hours ago.From the
> log I can see that you use an old version of hello.composite. The new one
> should look like:
> scan-bundle:wrap:mvn:javax.mail/mail/1.4
> scan-bundle:wrap:mvn:javax.activation/activation/1.1
> ...
> The "wrap:" is important. Pax Runner will wrap vanilla JARs into OSGi
> bundles.
> Please pull again, that should help.
> Heiko
> 2009/5/12 Alex Boisvert <>
>> Ok, I tried again based on your suggestion but I'm getting an error
>> related to javax.mail:1.4 not being a valid bundle...
>>  -> Preparing framework [Felix 1.6.0]
>>  -> Downloading bundles...
>>  -> mvn:javax.mail/mail/1.4 : 388864 bytes @ [ 471kBps ]
>> s @ [ 498kBps ]
>>          ___
>>         /  /
>>        /  / Oops, there has been a problem!
>>       /  /
>>      /__/   org.ops4j.pax.runner.platform.PlatformException:
>> [mvn:javax.mail/mail/1.4] is not a valid bundle
>>     ___
>>    /__/     Use --log=debug to see details.
>> To be sure, I wiped my M2 repo under javax/mail and retried but I'm
>> getting the same error.  Any idea?
>> I'm attaching the full log in case it's helpful.
>> alex
>> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Heiko Seeberger <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> 2009/5/12 Alex Boisvert <>
>>> I downloaded and ran PAX runner,
>>>> ./ --profiles=log,scala,felix.webconsole,web
>>>> then installed the examples-osgi bundle,
>>>> -> install
>>>> file:///home/boisvert/git/liftweb/sites/examples-osgi/hello/target/examples-osgi-hello-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>> Bundle ID: 9
>>>> -> [FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG net.liftweb.examples-osgi-hello -
>>>> BundleEvent INSTALLED
>>>> start 9
>>>> -> [FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG net.liftweb.examples-osgi-hello -
>>>> BundleEvent RESOLVED
>>>> [FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG net.liftweb.examples-osgi-hello - BundleEvent
>>> OSGi support for Lift is implemented as "extender" in order to keep Lift
>>> "core" OSGi-agnostic. This means that there is a special add-on bundle
>>> (lift-osgi) which must be installed and started. It will watch all bundles
>>> if they are Lift-powered which means they have got a Lift-Config manifest
>>> entry. If so, these bundles will be delegated to for resource look-ups
>>> (templates) and also (latest checkin) bootstrap.liftweb.Boot classes will be
>>> called.
>>> OK, you have got to install lift-osgi and all its prerequesites, i.e.
>>> lift-webkit, lift-util, etc. You could install the example PLUS all the
>>> required other bundles manually. But better go for Pax Runner like that
>>> --profiles=web,scala,<others> scan-composite:file:<hello_comp>
>>> with <hello_comp> the path to hello.composite which is part of
>>> sites/examples-osgi/hello
>>> Cheers
>>> Heiko
> --
> My blog:
> Follow me:
> OSGi on Scala:
> Lift, the simply functional web framework:
> >

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