When you deploy a web app I think you specify a context path (at least in
jetty) which I think is what you're looking for -- the first part of the
path after the domain name.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:39 PM, g-man <gregor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I came from a similar background, but with some detours after Rails
> through Erlang, GAE w/ Django, and web2py. It took me about 2 months
> to finally start having fun with Lift and Scala, but I can tell you
> now it's really nice to just sit down, write something, and watch it
> work!
> I'm no expert yet, and I'm constantly reading all the books I can
> find, but the rewards and power are definitely there. Where I needed
> dozens of files with Rails, I only need 3 models, 3 snippets, and 2
> templates now, and they are far cleaner!
> My advice is to slow down, do the 'ToDo' app tutorial, and then start
> adding functionality to it. As you add features, you will research and
> learn about new things and how to do them. As a study aid, I keep the
> 'PocketChange' app from the book open, and look to see how similar
> problems were solved there.
> As they say, almost everything you need to know is contained in those
> two examples. As to all the niceties of the servers and deployment to
> a VPS, I suggest you leave that for later. The little Jetty thing
> running on localhost will give you a taste of how Maven sets up
> things, and how to tweak them (adding logging, comments, debugging
> messages, etc), plus you always have the Group here for help.
> Lift (and Scala) are both very young, so it will take a while for all
> the books, websites, tutorials, and videos to come out. Imagine Rails
> 5 years ago and you have some idea of where we are, and that's not
> even considering the new 'Goat Rodeo' project...
> No worries -- have fun!
> On Jun 19, 1:09 pm, "Nolan Darilek" <no...@thewordnerd.info> wrote:
> > Hi, all. I'm new to Lift and have a few questions about using it. For
> > background, I'm coming from Ruby to Scala, having finally been
> > frustrated by some aspects of the former enough to try jumping ship. I
> > know Java syntax, but the simplicity of Ruby has always been a powerful
> > draw for me, so when I used Java I always stayed away from Maven and
> > other cornerstones of the Java tool community. I say all of this not to
> > stir up Ruby vs. Scala drama (because we just don't have enough of that
> > already :P ) but to explain that I'm mistified by much of the Java
> > ecosystem, and a lot of what's out there seems to take it for granted
> > that I know all of this. So please pardon my newbie questions, and feel
> > free to point me to the FM on the subject if there is one, because I've
> > certainly been *trying* to RTFM. :) I also recognize that these topics
> > aren't specific to Lift, but I figure I'm likely to find more proponents
> > of low ceremony in the Scala community than I'd find if I seeked out
> > some more general purpose Java enterprise deployment resource.
> >
> > First...servlets? Web containers? App servers? Oh my. I want to write a
> > few hobbyist apps with Lift and deploy them to my VPS. They may or may
> > not take off, in which case I'd like a solution that can scale to
> > real-world use. Not heavy real-world use, mind you, but I figure a
> > separate VM/port for every app instance is overkill. So what do I need
> > for this? I gather the app server is what handles arranging web apps in
> > a single VM instance, but it's tough cutting through all the enterprise
> > language to figure out which one of these is best for my circumstances,
> > especially since I'm not dealing with legacy code and just want to
> > launch hobbyist/personal projects. And I can't for the life of me figure
> > out whether Tomcat is an app server or something else entirely. This
> > seems so much more complicated than just throwing up a few Mongrels and
> > a load balancer, or reading through the nicely-written Passenger manual
> > and following the step-by-step instructions. I'm sure it has its
> > advantages, I just can't get a grip on how it works.
> >
> > I've also been reading a lot about OSGi and it looks really nice. Am I
> > correct in assuming that OSGi is to Java web apps what Rack is to Ruby
> > ones? OK, maybe not exactly, and I know it's a more general-purpose
> > mechanism (I'm toying with ScalaModules in a desktop app for providing
> > pluggable UIs and other services) but in poking through OSGi articles,
> > I've read a few statements hinting that this is probably the best way to
> > deploy new apps with no legacy dependencies. Is this true? Is an app
> > server actually needed here, or do I just create an OSGi execution
> > environment and start adding bundles?
> >
> > It seems like the way to deploy an app is to build a war file and drop
> > it into a specific directory of your servlet/app
> > server/doohicky-whatamajig serverletcontainerthingie. It also looks as
> > if all apps are installed into the same HTTP namespace, with URL path
> > collisions resolved by editing web.xml and prepending something to the
> > /* for the map elements. Is this accurate? Or is it possible to have the
> > server prepend  /myapp or /myapp.war based on the name of the deployed
> > app, then handle the mappings via ProxyPass in the front-end server?
> > That's closer to what I'm used to in Ruby, where the app takes over the
> > URL namespace beneath whatever path you assign it, but it's not clear to
> > me based on what I've read that this happens with Java app servers.
> >
> > Thanks for reading, and again, feel free to respond with a link or
> > google keywords if I'm just missing something obvious. One of the
> > biggest challenges I find myself facing with this move is that most of
> > what I've found assumes a high ceremony->low ceremony migration path, or
> > at least assumes that you've spent enough time in the Java ecosystem at
> > some point to get it. :)
> >

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