I dont know how liftAjax.js is generated, or if it changes or not,
also I have no idea (if it regenerated) how it could be minified, and
I know that minification seem like a micro-optimization but...

"With just GZipping and Javascript minification working together, the
load time dropped from 16 seconds to just under 10 seconds. I was
absolutely extactic at the progress I was making so for and so was my

"For Google an increase in page load time from 0.4 second to 0.9
seconds decreased traffic and ad revenues by 20%. For Amazon every 100
ms increase in load times decreased sales with 1%."

So, analyzing a couple of lift apps with YSlow I find a couple of
things that could be done to improve the average load time. Of course
there's a lot of impact on how you do your css, where you host css and
images(and how), compresion, server configuration, javascript and css
performance and a lot of things on the application side; but it would
be nice to make everything possible on the framework side to create
that culture around every lift app =)

So I wanted to throw that idea here and see how to help in this


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