On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim <naftoli...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks everyone.This webapp is not going to be used very heavily or have a
> very demanding customer base. It's for an organization that will have around
> 5 people using it total, not necessarily at the same time. So I don't need
> any fancy setup like continuous integration etc.
> It's also the second version of the first webapp I've written (the first
> was in PHP).
> After I sent the question, I came across a thread from David (it was on
> Nabbles, I would guess from this group) where he described how to use nginx
> as the frontend web server and Jetty as the backend.

I like Nginx as a front end because you have serve multiple virtual domains
from the same front end server (this is handy for static sites run on the
same server).  Further, Nginx runs as root in order to listen to port 80 and
that means you don't have to have some iptables port forwarding to your
Jetty instance and you don't have to run Jetty as root.

> I should probably ask this on that thread, but [when] would I want to use
> nginx and not just Jetty? (Nothing else needs to be running on the server.)
> Also, what's the difference between the Jetty download link it had (
> www.tunaforcats.com/deploy_jetty.tgz) and something you can download from
> Jetty's site? (And what exactly *is* tunaforcats.com ??!)
> Question 2:
> Any reason to run H2 either as a separate process or as part of the webapp?

Part of the web app... it starts up and shuts down with the app.

> Thanks.
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:00 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen <je...@ingolfs.dk>wrote:
>> Naftoli Gugenheim <naftoli...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > What's the best way to get a lift app running on a Ubuntu web server I
>> can SSH into with full permissions? It came with almost nothing installed.
>> > Thanks.
>> It may be overkill for you if it's just a one time install, but I've had
>> great success with Chef (http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home) to
>> do automatic provisioning of servers/services/deployment.
>> Some time ago, I wrote a series of articles that describes a basic setup
>> to deploy a basic "Hello World" Lift app to EC2. If you skip the EC2
>> part, you may find something useful:
>> http://jeppenejsum.wordpress.com/2009/05/03/ec2-continuous-deployment-hello-world/
>> /Jeppe
> >

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