OK, that seems to have been it. I just pushed a commit and I'll verify once
hudson builds it that it's working.


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I think I may have found the issue. I had a <packaging> element in the pom
> (none of the other archetypes do, as far as I can tell), so I've removed
> that and I'm doing a local build to see if that fixes it.
> Derek
> 2009/8/24 Timothy Perrett <timo...@getintheloop.eu>
>> Derek,
>> Im currently reorganizing the lift archetype codebase as we speak, so I’ll
>> look at it now...
>> Cheers, Tim
>> On 24/08/2009 23:03, "Derek Chen-Becker" <dchenbec...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> OK, anyone with some maven-fu know what's going on here? It looks like the
>> build is fine, but the jar is being copied to a .archetype file instead of
>> .jar:
>> [INFO] Installing
>> /home/scalatools/hudson/.hudson/jobs/Lift/workspace/lift-archetype-jpa-blank/target/lift-archetype-jpa-blank-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> to
>> /home/scalatools/hudson/.hudson/jobs/Lift/workspace/.repository/net/liftweb/lift-archetype-jpa-blank/1.1-SNAPSHOT/lift-archetype-jpa-blank-1.1-SNAPSHOT.maven-archetype
>> Is this a problem with the pom packaging maybe?
>> Derek
>> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Well. Bad news. I fixed the checksums only to find that somehow hudson is
>> still generating archetypes with old sources. I'm at a loss as to how this
>> is happening at this point...
>> Derek
>> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Charles F. Munat <c...@munat.com> wrote:
>> Ah, so the errors were connected after all. I was curious about the
>> checksum, but I didn't realize that would make it grab an earlier version.
>> Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
>> > OK, I think I've found an issue here. The sha1 checksum file for the
>> > archetype was last updated on August 1st, and haven't been updated since
>> > then. That's what your original error was, and it's why it's grabbing an
>> > older version of the jar :(. Let me see if I can figure out why hudson
>> > won't recalculate the checksums.
>> >
>> > Derek
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Charles F. Munat <c...@munat.com
>> > <mailto:c...@munat.com> <c...@munat.com%3e>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > ? ? Thanks for all your help, Indrajit. I'm using the blank JPA app
>> anyway,
>> > ? ? so it didn't affect me, but I thought Derek, et al should know.
>> > ? ? Especially since I was using the Maven command from his book...
>> >
>> > ? ? Chas.
>> >
>> > ? ? Indrajit Raychaudhuri wrote:
>> > ? ? ?> Chas,
>> > ? ? ?>
>> > ? ? ?> The problem is quite likely with the archetype jar in the
>> scala-tools
>> > ? ? ?> repo. Derek is probably looking into it.
>> > ? ? ?> Yes, your being confused about the master reference is
>> > ? ? ?> understandable :)
>> > ? ? ?>
>> > ? ? ?> Good that it compiles through. For now, you can set the
>> dependencies
>> > ? ? ?> to lift-core and lift-jpa to 1.1-M4 and proceed merrily.
>> > ? ? ?>
>> > ? ? ?> Cheers, Indrajit
>> > ? ? ?>
>> > ? ? ?> On Aug 24, 11:09 pm, "Charles F. Munat" <c...@munat.com
>> > ? ? <mailto:c...@munat.com> <c...@munat.com%3e>> wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>> I'm on a new laptop. I didn't do any git pulls of Lift stuff. I
>> just
>> > ? ? ?>> installed Scala with the IZ installer and then Maven, then I ran
>> the
>> > ? ? ?>> archetype command to create a basic JPA app and let it build the
>> m2
>> > ? ? ?>> repository on my machine. When that didn't work, I blew away m2
>> and
>> > ? ? ?>> tried it again.
>> > ? ? ?>>
>> > ? ? ?>> Changing the lift-core dependency worked. So the problem is
>> > ? ? definitely
>> > ? ? ?>> with 1.1-SNAPSHOT -- at least the one I ended up with.
>> > ? ? ?>>
>> > ? ? ?>> Does this make sense? Do you see why I was confused by your
>> > ? ? reference to
>> > ? ? ?>> master?
>> > ? ? ?>>
>> > ? ? ?>> Chas.
>> > ? ? ?>>
>> > ? ? ?>> marius d. wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>> What I means is if you did a git pull from git master and ran
>> mvn
>> > ? ? ?>>> clean:clean install. That inherently means version 1.1-SNAPSHOT
>> > ? ? ?>>> Br's,
>> > ? ? ?>>> marius
>> > ? ? ?>>> On Aug 24, 11:49 am, "Charles F. Munat" <c...@munat.com
>> > ? ? <mailto:c...@munat.com> <c...@munat.com%3e>> wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>>> Hi, Marius...
>> > ? ? ?>>>> I don't know what you mean by "Are you using master?" What I
>> > ? ? did was use
>> > ? ? ?>>>> the Maven archetype to create a basic JPA lift app. Then I
>> changed
>> > ? ? ?>>>> directory to the top directory and ran "mvn compile." That's
>> > ? ? it. I got
>> > ? ? ?>>>> the errors you see. I didn't do anything else.
>> > ? ? ?>>>> I've tried blowing away .m2 and I've tried changing the scala
>> > ? ? version to
>> > ? ? ?>>>> 2.7.5 (from 2.7.4). No difference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>> Does the basic JPA lift app not compile until you do something
>> > ? ? else to
>> > ? ? ?>>>> it? The blank one worked fine. Can you create and compile the
>> > ? ? Basic JPA
>> > ? ? ?>>>> app on your machine without error? Maybe it's something on my
>> > ? ? machine,
>> > ? ? ?>>>> but everything else is working fine.
>> > ? ? ?>>>> The Maven command I used is reproduced below.
>> > ? ? ?>>>> Chas.
>> > ? ? ?>>>> marius d. wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> Charles,
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> AFAIK I removed all dependencies to javax.servlet.* classes
>> > ? ? even from
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> archetypes. ?Are you using master? ... I did a full search
>> > ? ? and servlet
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> things are not being used. The archetype looks ok to me ...
>> Am I
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> missing something?
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> Br's,
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> Marius
>> > ? ? ?>>>>> On Aug 24, 9:06 am, "Charles F. Munat" <c...@munat.com
>> > ? ? <mailto:c...@munat.com> <c...@munat.com%3e>> wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>> Nope. Same error, even after blowing away m2 and rerunning
>> > ? ? the basic
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>> archetype to create a new app.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>> Chas.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>> Charles F. Munat wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>> No on blowing away m2. I did switch to the blank archetype
>> > ? ? (which is
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>> what I actually wanted) and it worked fine. But I can try
>> > ? ? again with the
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>> basic and blowing away m2.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>> Chas.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>> Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> It looks like this is still the older archive before
>> > ? ? HttpServletRequest
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> → HTTPRequest. The code in master has the change applied,
>> > ? ? so I'm not
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> sure why it's failing. The warnings are normal (I haven't
>> > ? ? figured out
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> all of the tricks with the velocity templating), but
>> > ? ? something isn't
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> being pulled correctly. Have you tried blowing away your
>> .m2?
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> Derek
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Charles F. Munat
>> > ? ? <c...@munat.com <mailto:c...@munat.com <c...@munat.com>>
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> <mailto:c...@munat.com <c...@munat.com> <
>> mailto:c...@munat.com>> <c...@munat.com%3e%3e>> wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? I found this in the lift book and used it:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? mvn archetype:generate \
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? 
>> > -DarchetypeRepository=http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots\<http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots%5C>
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-jpa-basic \
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? -DarchetypeVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT \
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? -DgroupId=com.foo.jpaweb \
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? -DartifactId=JPADemo \
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? During the creation of the basic jpa app, I got this:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? Downloading:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? ?
>> http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots/net/liftweb/lift-archetype-jpa-...
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? 44K
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? <
>> http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots/net/liftweb/lift-archetype-jpa-...>
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? downloaded
>> ?(lift-archetype-jpa-basic-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on
>> > ? ? download: local =
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? '66b831a190e2e072816e5b2acc8064287d94b371'; remote =
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? '023a3bb1cf2994e837b18394a2eb3975c8735552' - RETRYING
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? Downloading:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? ?
>> http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots/net/liftweb/lift-archetype-jpa-...
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? 44K
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? <
>> http://scala-tools.org/repo-snapshots/net/liftweb/lift-archetype-jpa-...>
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? downloaded
>> ?(lift-archetype-jpa-basic-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on
>> > ? ? download: local =
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? '66b831a190e2e072816e5b2acc8064287d94b371'; remote =
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? '023a3bb1cf2994e837b18394a2eb3975c8735552' - IGNORING
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? And a bunch of warnings:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? reference : template = archetype-resources/pom.xml
>> > ? ? [line 37,column 16] :
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ${scala.version} is not a valid reference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? reference : template = archetype-resources/pom.xml
>> > ? ? [line 43,column 16] :
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ${scala.version} is not a valid reference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? reference : template = archetype-resources/pom.xml
>> > ? ? [line 85,column 25] :
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ${scala.version} is not a valid reference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] PT Don't override file
>> > ? ? /private/var/www/lift/admin/pom.xml
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? reference : template = archetype-resources/web/pom.xml
>> > ? ? [line 13,column
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? 9] : ${parent.artifactId} is not a valid reference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? reference : template = archetype-resources/web/pom.xml
>> > ? ? [line 24,column
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? 16] : ${pom.groupId} is not a valid reference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? reference : template = archetype-resources/web/pom.xml
>> > ? ? [line 26,column
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? 16] : ${pom.version} is not a valid reference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? reference : template = archetype-resources/spa/pom.xml
>> > ? ? [line 14,column
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? 9] : ${parent.artifactId} is not a valid reference.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? The build completed successfully anyway. Afterward, I
>> > ? ? tried "mvn
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? compile" in the top directory and got the following
>> error:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ?
>> /private/var/www/lift/admin/web/src/main/scala/bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala:70:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? error: type mismatch;
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] ?found ? :
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? net.liftweb.util.Box[javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest]
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] ?required:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? net.liftweb.util.Box[net.liftweb.http.provider.HTTPRequest]
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] ? ? ? case null =>
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? Full(LiftRules.defaultLocaleCalculator(request))
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ^
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING]
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ?
>> /private/var/www/lift/admin/web/src/main/scala/bootstrap/liftweb/Boot.scala:75:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? error: type mismatch;
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] ?found ? :
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? (net.liftweb.util.Box[javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest]) =>
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? java.util.Locale
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] ?required:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ? (net.liftweb.util.Box[net.liftweb.http.provider.HTTPRequest]) =>
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? java.util.Locale
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] ? ? LiftRules.localeCalculator =
>> > ? ? localeCalculator _
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?^
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [WARNING] two errors found
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [INFO]
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>>
>> > ? ?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? [ERROR] BUILD FAILURE
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? Hmmmm. Ideas?
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? Chas.
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? Charles F. Munat wrote:
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ?> Anyone know offhand what the mvn command is to
>> > ? ? create a blank JPA
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ?> project (split, not single)? We should probably
>> > ? ? collect all the
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ?> archetype commands and put them on the new wiki
>> > ? ? (and keep them up to
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ?> date with the latest version number).
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ?> I'm happy to do it if I can figure out what the
>> > ? ? right versions are...
>> > ? ? ?>>>>>>>> ? ? ?> Chas.
>> > ? ? ?>
>> > ? ? ?> >
>> > ? ? ?>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> >>

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