How do you auto-generate them?

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:03 PM, rstradling <> wrote:

> I am using Lift 1.0 with the Mapper ORM module from Lift. I am a
> newbie to Scala and Lift.  I have auto-generated my ORM classes from
> a .sql file.  Given that these classes are auto-generated I would
> prefer not to edit them directly and provide additional functionality
> via inheritance.
> Say I have the following...
> class StatGenerated extends LongKeyedMapper[StatGenerated] with IdPK {
>   def getSingleton = StatGenerated
>   object errors extends MappedLong(this)
>   object hits extends MappedLong(this)
>   object AB extends MappedLong(this)
> }
> object StatGenerated extends StatGenerated with LongKeyedMetaMapper
> [StatGenerated] {
>   override def fieldOrder = List(errors, hits)
> }
> class Statistics extends StatGenerated {
>   def GetBattingAverage(id : Long) : float = {
>                val stat = Stat.findByKey(id)
>                stat.hits/stat.AB
>   }
> }
> Now what I would like to do is work with the Statistics class as my
> ORM object...
> But I believe everything that is ORM related is actually of type
> StatGenerated rather than Statistics.  i.e. findByKey will return me a
> StatGenerated rather than a Statistics class.  Is there any clever way
> around this that I am missing without either modifying the generated
> class or duplicating code?
> >

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