You can use any database that has a JDBC driver, using whatever setup the
database/driver supports.
I don't think Lift can detect things like removed fields. Schemifying is
great for initializing the database and making sure everything that will be
expected to be in the database is created if it doesn't exist yet, but
sometimes you just have to modify it directly.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 11:20 AM, David Pollak <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 6:08 AM, surfman <> wrote:
>> I am totally new and interested in scala & lift. what I have is a
>> little Java knowledge. Aftering reading to-do application at the
>> website, I got the following questions:
>> 1) where and how to setup database? the tutorial never mentions
>> database setup,
> Your DB is defined in the DBVendor object found in Boot.scala.
> By default, it uses Derby, but you can, via a properties file or changing
> the code in DBVendor, choose whatever RDBMS you want to point you Lift
> mapper classes to.  Alternatively, you can use JPA or other existing
> persistence mechanisms.
>> 2) how does lift support database migration? the tutorial says to use
>> Schemifier, but what I am thinking is if I remove a column, merge db
>> columns, etc. how does lift handle? or, where may I find such
>> instructiion?
> Each table and field has callbacks that are invoked during schemification.
> Sorry... there's precious little documentation on Schemifier... care to
> contribute some?
>> 3) internationalization support. how does lift support this?
>> 4) how does lift compare to Grails?  I have some experience on Grails.
>> Developer may build an app in a extremely fast way. but, lift looks
>> not as fast as Grails. The speed I mentioned is not app performance, I
>> am talking about speed to build an app.
> I have little experience with Grails, but my Rails experience (2 years) led
> me to develop Lift.  I find that building Lift apps (especially Ajax and
> Comet apps) is radically faster than with Rails.  In terms of CRUD apps, I
> think Lift compares reasonably well with Rails, especially since Naftoli's
> recent contributions.
> Thanks,
> David
>> Forgive me if above questions are dummies. but it is really helpful
>> for a real beginner like me. Thanks for any help on these questions.
> --
> Lift, the simply functional web framework
> Beginning Scala
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