On Oct 3, 12:04 pm, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com>
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Peter Robinett <pe...@bubblefoundry.com> 
> wrote:
> > Thanks, Kevin. I'm going to poke around with lift-json a bit more but
> > a case class may be the way to go.
> case classes definitely get you some juicy extras, it becomes a lot
> easier to filter or map a list of readings when compared to the raw
> json.


> You might also want to look at record/mapper if database persistence
> is your thing...

Hence the original question, whether I could use extract to get
instances of my Mapper model. ;-) Case classes would just add another
step in the translation, but it looks like it's both necessary and

> I'm with DavidP on this one, get as much rich type info into the
> system at the earliest opportunity.  A timestamp definitely carries
> more semantic meaning than a number.  Imagine trying to filter the 30
> days worth of readings that were taken between 9am and 5pm GMT (when
> your server is running on EST)

Good point. Do you know of any sample Mapper code that uses scala-
time? I'm still not very strong with making my own mapped types.


> > Peter
> > On Oct 3, 11:13 am, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com>
> > wrote:
> >> Sounds to me like you want to create yourself a small helper function
> >> that can map that structure into your own case class, something like:
> >> case class TempReading(node:String, dt:Int, temp:Double)
> >> It should be possible to do this as a layer on top of the json parser.
> >> So you can go from:
> >>         Object(
> >>                 List(
> >>                         JField(node,JString(00:1D:C9:00:04:9F)),
> >>                         JField(dt,JInt(1254553581405)),
> >>                         JField(temp,JDouble(27.5))
> >>                 )
> >>         )
> >> to:
> >>         TempReading("00:1D:C9:00:04:9F", 1254553581405, 27.5)
> >> A Map would be an improvement over the raw json, but still is nowhere
> >> near as concise or type-safe as the dedicated structure.
> >> You probably also want to rethink using ints for datetime (I guess
> >> this is what dt represents).  Take a look at the scala-time library,
> >> which is a nice wrapper over Java's joda-time.
> >> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Peter Robinett <pe...@bubblefoundry.com> 
> >> wrote:
> >> > I guess this is basically a question for Joni, but I figure I'll throw
> >> > it out here for everyone to see.
> >> > Would it be possible to have extract() support Mapper instances in
> >> > additional to standard case classes?
> >> > After parsing some JSON I get the following JValue: JObject(List(JField
> >> > (node,JString(00:1D:C9:00:04:9F)), JField(dt,JInt(1254553581405)),
> >> > JField(temp,JDouble(27.5)))). I'd like to turn this into a new
> >> > instance of my Packet model and it'd be awesome if extract could do
> >> > that.
> >> > I don't know how hard would it be to add this feature, so I don't know
> >> > if this is a reasonable request. This would make making JSON API
> >> > endpoints really easy for me and I hope for other people too.
> >> > Peter Robinett
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