Thanks, Joni, that works perfectly!


On Oct 5, 8:49 am, Joni Freeman <> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> To select multiple packets you need to first select the objects within
> the array. Like this:
> for {
>   JObject(packet) <- parse(s)
>   JField("node", JString(node)) <- packet
>   JField("dt", JInt(dt)) <- packet
>   JField("temp", JDouble(temp)) <- packet
> } yield // construct Packet here
> Cheers Joni
> On Oct 5, 2:13 am, Peter Robinett <> wrote:
> > Thanks, Joni.
> > I've been playing with just that for comprehension syntax over the
> > weekend. How would I do it if I had multiple packets?
> > {
> >   "packets": [
> >   {
> >     "node": "00:1D:C9:00:04:9F",
> >     "dt": 1254553581405,
> >     "temp": 27.5
> >   },
> >   {
> >     "node": "00:1D:C9:00:04:9E",
> >     "dt": 1254553582405,
> >     "temp": 24.3
> >   }
> >  ]
> > }
> > I've had some problems iterating across the parsed results. If I do:
> > for {
> >   json <- parse(s)
> >   JField("node", JString(node)) <- json
> >   JField("dt", JInt(dt)) <- json
> >   JField("temp", JDouble(temp)) <- json
> > } yield .... // construct Packet here
> > I will end up with 8 Packets. Should I be doing something like JArray
> > (json) <- parse(s)?
> > Thanks for your help,
> > Peter
> > On Oct 4, 3:08 pm, Joni Freeman <> wrote:
> > > > I don't know how hard would it be to add this feature, so I don't know
> > > > if this is a reasonable request. This would make making JSON API
> > > > endpoints really easy for me and I hope for other people too.
> > > This certainly sounds like a reasonable feature request, I will take a
> > > deeper look at it.
> > > Meanwhile, you can use tmp case class as Kevin noted, or use for-
> > > comprehension to query the json. Something like:
> > > {
> > >   "packet": {
> > >     "node": "00:1D:C9:00:04:9F",
> > >     "dt": 1254553581405,
> > >     "temp": 27.5
> > >   }
> > > }
> > > val json = parse(s)
> > > for {
> > >   JField("node", JString(node)) <- json
> > >   JField("dt", JInt(dt)) <- json
> > >   JField("temp", JDouble(temp)) <- json
> > > } yield .... // construct Packet here
> > > That's a bit verbose but quite flexible. This test case contains more
> > > query 
> > > examples:
> > > Cheers Joni
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