Very interesting reading, Naftoli! Thanks alot for such extensive
explainations. I'm going to read your message again and again until i
understand it all :)

On 13 окт, 02:09, Naftoli Gugenheim <> wrote:
>    1. Personally I would not take the approach of creating a totally new ORM
>    with a completely new paradigm just to eliminate the object syntax.
> The first step, as with anything in life, is to define our goals. What
> exactly is it about the object syntax that's problematic? Is overridability
> a problem? Is reflection evil? Let's make a list of our objectives over
> here.
> In any case, I would take the following approach.
> Currently, the way Mapper works is as follows. Every Mapper instance
> delegates database actions to its MetaMapper instance, which, upon
> initialization, builds the information about its fields using reflection,
> including the list of fields and their names.
> Three reasons for the object approach were mentioned in this thread.
>    1. To allow access to members. It was mentioned that this is now possible
>    with anonymous classes (val x = new Y { ... } ). What was not mentioned but
>    I read elsewhere IIRC is that the latter is implemented by scalac via
>    reflection. Not that that's the end of the world, especially as we're
>    relying on reflection as it is. Also, at least the argument remains--allow
>    one to choose whichever syntax one desires. On the other hand, if Mapper
>    would not use reflection, objects, being lazy, would not be known about
>    until initialized, thus requiring the user to manually reference them.
>    2. To disambiguate members that reference or return other fields.
>    However, this argument assumes that the list of fields is built via
>    reflection; maybe it should not be.
>    3. To allow the field names to become available via reflection. I don't
>    there's any way around this other than a compiler plugin (or maybe
>    scala.reflect.Code?) So my suggestion would require passing the field name
>    to a constructor. On the other hand, as I mentioned in a previous post and
>    will explain better below, passing "this" to the constructor can be
>    eliminated.
> So the first reason basically says, "since people may need to use 'object,'
> and objects are lazy and we won't necessarily know about them, we had better
> use reflection." On the other hand, if we use vals most of the time, the
> constructor itself can inform the MetaMapper of its existence, and if
> someone wants to use 'object' or 'lazy val' then they will be required to
> initialize it before using it with Mapper.
> The second reason is eliminated if we don't use reflection.
> The third reason remains valid but the question is how important it is, at
> the expense of preventing subclasses from overriding fields.
> If it is acceptable to eliminate the "this" parameter and instead require a
> field name parameter, then it would seem possible to use a  val based system
> instead of an object + reflection system.
> Here is how it would work.
> class Field(name: String)(implicit meta: MetaModel) {
>   meta.register(this)}
> class Model {
>   implicit def meta = getSingleton}
> ====
> class MyModel extends Model {
>   val field1 = new Field("firstname")  // meta gets passed automatically
>   val fieldRef = field1 // doesn't cause duplication because fields are
> registered on instantiation}
> val fieldX = new Field("lastname") // compiler error because no implicit
> MetaModel in scope
> val fieldY = new Field("xxx")(MyModelMeta) // works, but obviously a bad
> idea
> Two points.
>    1. The concept of the meta being passed implicitly could probably be
>    implemented into the current system. The only thing it has to do with this
>    discussion is that if you would have to pass 'this' and the field name it
>    would be really verbose, so I'm just pointing out that we could have a
>    non-reflection-based system with about the same verbosity that we use now,
>    although we could make the current system less verbose too.
>    2. On the surface it would seem impossible to implement this in Mapper,
>    because by not using reflection there's no way to get all the object 
> members
>    since objects are lazy. However since the reflection system only picks up
>    objects and not vals, one could solve this as follows. As long as the same
>    field cannot be registered twice, i.e., registration of a field skips it if
>    it's already registered, there's no problem with allowing both methods to
>    exist side by side. Let MappedField or some class or trait high in the
>    hierarchy call a register method on the MetaMapper upon its initialization.
>    This will register all val fields, as well as any object fields initialized
>    early. Then, when the MetaMapper goes through its reflection process, any
>    previously register fields will be skipped.
> However a basic problem with my approach may be the following. Say we have
> instances a and b of model C, if a field is a val, not a new class, what
> prevents that field from being registered twice? In other words, how can
> fields in multiple instances of a given model be recognized as being the
> same field? One answer, though maybe not the best, is through the field's
> field name.
> 2009/10/12 Naftoli Gugenheim <>
> > So Model represents the database connection?
> > 2009/10/12 Oleg G. <>
> >> On 13 окт, 00:08, naf g <> wrote:
> >> > Why do you have two classes, Model and Record? What are they and why are
> >> they interdependent?
> >> I thought about Model being a place for metainformation (like database
> >> structure, options/properties etc), or maybe it can be described as
> >> global context for Record-related activity. They are dependant to
> >> allow Field operations to reach the context.
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