On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Oleg G. <ojo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After reading Naftoli's post i checked the way inner object laziness
> is implemented. And it appears to be not thread safe.

It is not threadsafe.  This is a known defect and is supposed to be
addressed in 2.8.  But, the cost of a failure is dual initialization of the

> Following code:
> class A { val a = 1 }
> class B { object b extends A }
> Generates getter for b as follows:
> public final B$b$ b();
>  Code:
>   0:   aload_0
>   1:   getfield        #18; //Field b$module:LB$b$;
>   4:   ifnonnull       19
>   7:   aload_0
>   8:   new     #20; //class B$b$
>   11:  dup
>   12:  aload_0
>   13:  invokespecial   #23; //Method B$b$."<init>":(LB;)V
>   16:  putfield        #18; //Field b$module:LB$b$;
>   19:  aload_0
>   20:  getfield        #18; //Field b$module:LB$b$;
>   23:  areturn
> Looks like its not synchronized? I also looked at lazy vals generated
> code (when i was thinking on val based Records) and dropped the idea
> because of synchronization for every single access to a field.

That's not the case.  There's only a synchronization if the initial
non-synchronized test fails.

> >

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