On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 3:04 PM, jhonig <j...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Thank you James,
> What I tried first was taken from
> http://wiki.github.com/dpp/liftweb/about-lift-tags.
> I don't have the code anymore.  It was a surround without "at"
> attribute, and with
> multiple "bind-at"-s inside.   Nothing got bound, as far as I could
> see.  When I
> replaced the bind-at's with with-params, they *did* bind as expected.
> However,
> head-merging didn't work.   No errors either, just didn't work.

 That would be because those are examples of tags, not copy-and-paste-code

I can think of about million definitions of "just didn't work".  Which one
do you mean here?

> When I used a surround with an "at" attribute as in the old wiki, but
> without bind-at's
> or with-params, head-merging *did* work!   That's why I assumed that
> that description
> was the newer version!  So now it seems I'm on the wrong track,
> because that's
> the code I started using.

Again.  No code, can't really tell you what's wrong, or right.

> Another problem I didn't resolve sofar is that I had a few
> conventional <a href=..>
> elements in my page.  But jetty can't resolve them so clearly I have
> to do more
> than that.  Should be trivial, of course.  Guess it has something to
> do with the
> sitemap, but I don't have a clear picture as to how that works.  The
> examples
> I found are much more involved than what I was looking for.

Yes, sitemap is a place to start looking.
The problem is that you're not providing enough detail to help you out.
"Doesn't work" is not enough to help out.  Did you get a 404 error?  blank
page?  Anything at all?

Which examples are you talking about?  Most of the ones I've seen are fairly

> Any help appreciated!
> Job Honig
> >

James A Barrows

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