Martin Ellis <> writes:

> On 22 February 2010 21:45, Raoul Duke <> wrote:
>>> This is related to Lift how? It appears to be a framework itself...
>> i figure people who use Lift are the kinds of people who might have
>> their ear to the ground for other approaches to the web problem, and
>> might have insight into Competitor X, Y, or Z. i've certainly seen
>> people talk about other Java solutions before, admittedly ML is
>> further afield, although given Scala, not that much.
> I must admit, my initial interest in Scala came from prior use of ML.

Heh -- I must admit, learning Scala made me go back and brush up on ML,
which I had learned years ago, but mostly forgotten.  Doing so
definitely made some of the `odd-feeling' Scala idioms feel much more
obvious to me -- and gave me an excuse to reread Felleisen and
Friedman's _The Little MLer_ as well.

Now if only I could convince Scala to dump a heap image of the REPL when
I finish playing around so I can pick up where I left off later.  ;-)

                                Jim Wise

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