John Pletka <> writes:

> I was tasked with designing a new web-based application that has the
> requirement of being able to run on multiple servers that could be
> 1) Load balanced without requiring sticky sessions and
> 2) Single nodes could be transparently shutdown or added without the users
> noticing
> I would like to use Lift if possible, but I'm a bit worried about it's
> state-full nature.  Is it possible to use something like Cassandra or
> Memcached to hold the session data and have Lift grab that from a cookie
> instead of storing it all internally in memory? 

Short version: No.
Longer version: It's not currently possible and probably hard (but not
impossible) to do. But I think (but this is pure speculation) that
a Lift session is rather heavy since it contains closures for all the
callbacks that have been active within the last 10(?) minutes, the
overhead of serializing the session state for each request (which you
need for HA) would be substantial.

> I've looked around, but I have not found any good articles about how
> to scale Lift horizontally.

Probably because it has not been done (without sticky sessions)


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