Good morning list,

I have just opened a PR to the bLIPs repository [1] to document an idea
that I started investigating a long time ago and had already discussed
with a few people, but never found the time to write it up before.

This is a very simple architecture to securely send administrative
commands to your lightning node (such as opening a channel or paying
an invoice) from an untrusted machine (laptop, mobile phone or even
smart watch, let's be crazy), by using an HSM acting as a whitelisted
lightning peer (by implementing Bolt 8 entirely inside the HSM). The
interesting part is that it requires almost nothing new on the lightning
node itself, since we simply use a standard lightning connection as our
communication channel and custom lightning messages to send commands.

This should be doable for example in a custom application running on a
Ledger Nano S [2], which is what I had started investigating.

The bLIP still needs some work on the actual commands (and potentially
their encoding), but the interesting part is mostly the HSM app (the
rest is probably bikeshedding).

If someone wants to actually work on implementing this, I think it
would be very useful! I'd gladly volunteer to specify this better and
review the implementation. Maybe that kind of work could be done under
an open-source grant for example.


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