David Kastrup wrote Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:05 AM

"Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:

Although this is a good point, the problem is not as
stark as this might suggest.  There are many situations
when writing LilyPond code when score-wide settings are
inappropriate.  This is just another.  \override permits
appropriate setting to be made at each point in the score.

You don't know in advance where the pagebreaks are. And you don't get
coherent document design if you have to place a bunch of manual
parameters at every element.

Well IWBN if LilyPond could be clever enough to deal with
all possible layouts perfectly, but a music score is much
more complex that textual layout, and that is hard enough.
There is also a fair amount of personal preference involved
to, so I don't see how manual tweaks can be avoided.  One
possibility is to define a number of different settings
which might give tight spacing, loose spacing, one suitable
for a book of songs, one for a vocal score, etc.  That
might get users off to an acceptable start.

Variables or music functions can be used to make this
less painful, e.g. \editorialNote could be defined to set
the spacing parameters, set \noPageBreak, print the
following markup and then revert the spacing parameters.

I don't think that this is a sensible change for 2.14.

I do.  If at some time in the future the code is changed
to recognise the distinction between a title and a footnote
the names of the new spacing parameters would naturally
follow the new naming pattern, although I think that change
is unlikely to happen.

And it is particularly unlikely to happen, because then we need to
invent and maintain score-footnote-spacing, system-footnote-spacing,
markup-footnote-spacing, footnote-footnote-spacing,
footnote-score-spacing, footnote-markup-spacing,
footnote-system-spacing, footnote-bottom-spacing, top-footnote-spacing
and the associated page break penalties.

In short, we are going down a road now where any user-visible
improvement (for which the necessity is clear) will become increasingly
painful to do for both developers and users.

OK, I take that point.  This clearly can't happen.  So
we're back to making this easier by defining suitable music
functions for common situations which employ \markup,
like the \editorialNote I suggested earlier to place an
editorial note underneath a system.  That would seem to
deal with that example.  Do you have any others?  Could
they also be handled in a similar way?


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