On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Mark Polesky <markpole...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I think this is a good time to rethink how LilyPond uses the
> \markup command.  Perhaps the code is too casual in this
> respect?  It would be nice instead to have a more semantic
> command vocabulary to replace top-level markups, for
> example:
> \alternateVerse
> \footnote
> \dialogue
> \stageDirections

[At the risk of sounding like a Web-addict geek (which I happen to
be), this makes me think, again, of the HTML: whereas with HTML2/3/4
so far we only had the <div> that, that was used everywhere for
everything without any sense of hierarchy whatsoever, in HTML5 they've
added such tags as <header>,<article>, <section>, <aside> etc. that do
not do anything new at all compared to <div>s, but do confer quite an
elegant structure to the code.]

(Granted, this post was useless, pedant, off-topic and hardly worth
$0.2, but I believe it's quite appropriate in any 70-long mails
discussion -- and counting :-)


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