Am 19.10.2010 21:00, schrieb Carl Sorensen:
On 10/19/10 12:52 PM, "Werner LEMBERG"<>  wrote:

Um, that's what I tried before, but I still got intersections
(which were smaller than before, but still visible in fontforge at
200%), so I had to introduce the tensions.
When I applied and tested your patch, there were still grazing
intersections visible in fontforge at 400%.

Werner, any suggestions on how to handle this?
Don't use `penstroke' but `fill'.
That was my thought, when looking at the glyph.  Find the intersections, and
draw the relevant paths for the entire outline and subtract the relevant
paths for the holes.
I was trying to simply replace the penstroke by a fill, but this didn't change the situation
(which, afterwards, seems to be logical).
Marc, are you going to take this on?
I am not sure whether I can cope with this. If anybody else can do this in 15 minutes or so, please do not hesitate. I think I need at least two hours to get this done, should I succeed.



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