Am 20.10.2010 09:50, schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
This is probably overkill.  FontForge is quite good in doing this for
you, provided the intersections are well defined.  `fill' is necessary
because you can't exactly control the direction of the outline by
using `penstroke'.
But if I change from penstroke to fill, using zkr to go along one
side of the penstroke, then zkl to go back along the other side of
the penstroke, and controlling the directions at each of the points
on the glyph, I still get the same grazing intersections as showed
up in the glyph using penstroke.
OK.  I've just played a bit, and `fill' is indeed not necessary.  It's
sufficient to use `...' instead of `..', together with specifying
proper in and out directions to avoid inflections.  See attached
patch.  However, it doesn't fix the small grazing intersection at the
Hello Werner,

thanks for this information - I will use your patch and try to get the bulb




--- 2010-10-17 13:40:03.000000000 +0200
+++     2010-10-20 09:41:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -1222,15 +1222,15 @@
        penstroke z1e
                  .. z2e
                  .. z3e
-                 .. z4e{dir (-loopangle)}
-                 .. z5e{dir (-loopangle)}
-                 .. z6e
-                 .. z7e
-                 .. z8e
-                 .. z9e{dir (-loopangle)}
-                 .. z10e{dir (-loopangle)}
-                 .. z11e
-                 .. {dir (180 - loopangle)}z12e;
+                 ... {dir (-loopangle)}z4e
+                 -- z5e{dir (-loopangle)}
+                 ... z6e
+                 ... {dir (180 - loopangle)}z7e{dir (180 - loopangle)}
+                 ... z8e
+                 ... {dir (-loopangle)}z9e
+                 -- z10e{dir (-loopangle)}
+                 ... z11e
+                 ... {dir (180 - loopangle)}z12e;
        addto currentpicture also currentpicture scaled -1;

        penlabels (1, 1', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

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