On 6/1/11 9:39 AM, "Janek Warchoł" <lemniskata.bernoull...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again :)
> Congrats on 0 criticals!
> I have a question about parameters in metafont files: i want to create
> something similar to mf/out/feta20.otf-table, but i don't understand how it's
> done (i tried to find "bbox" and "attachment" in mf files or
> scripts/build/gen-emmentaler-scripts.py, but there are no results). I also
> tried adding
> autometric_parameter ("someBogusName", someValue);
> inside mf code, but there were no results.
> Here is roughly what i want to achieve:
> add a magical command to feta-flags.mf
> fet_beginchar ("8th Flag (up)", "u3");
> [...] % flags.u3 definition
> magical_command (arbitraryRealValueChosenByMe);
> fet_endchar;
> fet_beginchar ("16th Flag (up)", "u4");
> [...] % flags.u4 definition
> magical_command (anotherArbitraryRealValueChosenByMe);
> fet_endchar;
> [...]
> and have it output a flags.otf-table file looking like this
> (flags .
> (u .
> ((3 . (arbitraryRealValueChosenByMe))
> (4 . (anotherArbitraryRealValueChosenByMe))
> [...] ))
> .
> (d .
> [...] )))
> Please help!

After looking more at this, it appears that the .otf-table files are created
by parsing the log files created during font creation.  See

So this means that your magic command would need to emit a keyword and a
real value to the log file, and mf-to-table.py would need to be modified to
read the keyword and the value and put it in the table file.



> Janek

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