On 6/9/11 9:02 AM, "Janek Warchoł" <lemniskata.bernoull...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> i wanted to reply yesterday, but my dad broke our internet connection :)

Unfortunately, I don't have anybody else to blame when my internet
connection is broken.....
>> After looking more at this, it appears that the .otf-table files are created
>> by parsing the log files created during font creation.  See
>> scripts/build/mf-to-table.py
>> So this means that your magic command would need to emit a keyword and a
>> real value to the log file, and mf-to-table.py would need to be modified to
>> read the keyword and the value and put it in the table file.
> Carl, you are great! After struggling with this shortened-flags issue
> for 5 months, i wouldn't have enough motivation to continue my work
> without your help!
> Right now I'm reading all the stuff that i did to remind myself where
> i am. As for now it looks that you are pointing me in the right
> direction!

Glad to be of help!  I really do like your work, and I want to see it
implemented in LilyPond.



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