2012/9/24 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Benkő Pál <benko....@gmail.com> writes:
>> does anybody has a similar way (not a function) of marking just the first
>> note with a cautionary accidental?
> This is probably somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but try
> {
>   \key fis\major
>   dis4
>   \once\accidentalStyle teaching
>   \repeat unfold 7 cis
> }
> But maybe it would make sense checking the available accidental styles
> anyway: perhaps you actually want a different one throughout.

indeed; what I actually want is a blend of default and neo-modern:

  \repeat unfold 4 fisis8
  \repeat unfold 4 fis8 |
  \repeat unfold 4 f8

I'd like to get the sharp as in default, i.e. with a prepended natural,
and have a natural before the first f as in neo-moder.  I'm happy to
write it manually, but
\repeat unfold 4 f!8
puts a natural before all notes, so currently I have

  \repeat unfold 4 fisis8
  \repeat unfold 4 fis8 |
  f!8 \repeat unfold 3 f8


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