Am 06.10.2012 22:27, schrieb Thomas Morley:

attached are the alphabetic sorted complains/suggestions about
LilyPond-syntax from german users.
Hi Harm,

thanks for your work – looks like you spent quite a lot of time collecting *and*
presenting these issues!

It looks like some issues could be tackled/solved quite easily,
IMHO (I may be proven wrong):

(1) Support for \clef "bass^(8)" would be great!

(2) \once \override NoteHead #'custom-head = \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } still looks complicated. I'd prefer something similar to \xNotesOn ... \xNotesOff for
a couple of NoteHeads, and \xNote ... for *one* NoteHead only.
Perhaps something like
\markupNotesOn \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" c d e f \markupNotesOff?

(3) \new Staff \with{
fontSize = #-3
\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3)
\override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3)
is really not very nice.

\new Staff \with { \StaffScale #-3 } would be better.

(4) The pure-unpure stuff is not very easy to understand, and the explanation is indeed buried in the depths of CG. The idea of renaming was discussed before,
but I am not sure whether a general solution has been found.

Other issues like properties/beaming/tie/slur seem to involve more
work on engraver level, so I cannot judge the possible complications here.



All comments are my own thoughts.
I didn't judge about any of the complains/suggestions, simply collected them.
Sometimes I added an own suggestion.


@ Francisco: I noticed you posted Janek's questions, too.

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