2012/10/9 Benkő Pál <benko....@gmail.com>:
> 2012/10/9 Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com>:
>> When I learned how to read music, triplets were taught to me as
>> "always shrinking" groups and you see a "3" but there is an implicit
>> "2" so we have 3:2. Only the numerator is printed by convention.
>> Thus, if you write
>>   \times 2/3 { b16 b b b b b }
>> or
>>   \times 4/6 { b8 b b }
>> this is mathematically perfect but the number you are asking to be
>> printed is a confusing "3" and a confusing "6" respectively.
> the first is not confusing: it makes sure to read
> b16[ b] b[ b] b[ b]

Yes, but I think it is more common to print a "6" here with the same meaning.

> instead of
> b16[ b b] b[ b b].

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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