On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 10:05:04 -0700, Dan Eble <d...@faithful.be> wrote:

Patch set 3 seems more useful to me than patch set 4.

Yep.  I'll combine the best of both:
1) NullVoice in Score by default, so that the invisible notes do not affect the 
setting of accidentals
2) settings enabled so that you can move NullVoice to Staff without the bugs we 
know how to solve

With NullVoice accepted by Staff, I am able to use NullVoice \with { <dynamics 
engravers> } to overcome another shortcoming of part-combined music, which is that 
simultaneous dynamics in the two source voices are lost if the notes to which they 
are attached are moved [by \partcombine?] into the shared voice.  My workaround fails 
when the NullVoice is accepted by Score instead of Staff.

You could then enter \accepts NullVoice into just those Staffs where you use 
this technique.
(Usually, \partcombine refuses to change the voicing during dynamics, resulting 
more often in doubled dynamics;  I didn't know it would lose dynamics.)

Also, the documentation should probably include \killCues on the notes within 
NullVoice.  Without it, there are warnings and extra notes in a score that has 
cues.  (Unless there’s something that could be done to NullVoice to make 
\killCues unnecessary.)

Here, I think it would be much better advice to enter the music so that the notes intended 
for NullVoice are not fed into \addQuote.   That would seem more natural if NullVoice is 
entered outside of the \new Staff <<..>>.  I don't use lyrics so have trouble 
imagining a practical example.

The NullVoice context does not have any natural way to know that notes sent to 
it, are also being sent to \addQuote, nor to apply \killCues in some other 
context that uses \cueDuring on that qoute.

I’m also trying to figure out if there is a simple way to add MIDI performance 
to NullVoice.

Should there be a simpler pre-packaged way to do this?

Currently, NullVoice provides the correct timing for MIDI output of any Lyrics 
attached to it, without sending any note-events to MIDI.  That seems to be what 
we should expect from an otherwise-invisible voice.

The most clear way of sending the notes, unprinted in the score to MIDI is with 
a separate \score for MIDI output, in which we put those notes (presumably 
stored in a variable) in a regular Voice.

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