Am 09.09.2015 um 21:04 schrieb Joram:

I apologize already for entering a discussion I might not be able to
follow due to a lack of knowledge. The in-chord out-of-chord difference
makes sense to me.

For me the question arises: what to expect from this syntax:
\new Voice << { c''^~ c'' } { a'_~ a' } >> ?

For me, it’s just _much_ easier to write /and read/ than a long row of chords with <>.
Well, and the difference is that I’d have expected

\new Voice << { c''^~ c'' } { a'_~ a' } >>

to be exactly equivalent to

\new Voice { <c''^~ a'_~> <c'' a'> }

– which, as David explained, it is not, unfortunately.

Yours, Simon

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