Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com> writes:

> I actually manage the team at google that develops gerrit, and yes,
> the new UI is much better, and I think it also much better than
> GitHub's pull-request model.
> I am happy to help with setting up an instance for LilyPond if that
> helps anyone.
> FWIW. I think the scaremongering about Microsoft's plans for GitHub is
> exaggerated: I think Microsoft is interested in GH because of MS'
> cloud business. Getting closer to developers will get them a better
> shot of turning them into MS cloud developers.

Well, their legal department needs something to draft after the
Windows 10 EULA and I don't think anybody will bother to keep their
hands out of the cookie jar.  And if Microsoft puts a friendly pitch at
upgrading clients to a more efficient and exclusive protocol in like it
pitched a friendly update to Windows 10, of course providing that you
really, really wanted it...

Microsoft has a history of making people choke on "how bad can it be?".
They'll not start right away to avoid the initial bad press.  At least
not extensively.  But they did not pay $7.5bn in order to just keep
GitHub doing the same things it would have done anyway.

David Kastrup

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