For more than 10 years gub/specs/ used /usr/bin/python. That means that during lilypond-test the system's python interpreter is used as the interpreter for the musicxml2ly script, not our own python in target/tools.  At some currently unknown point in time musicxml2ly became incompatible to our python 2.4. The hidden usage of the system's python masked that incompatibility.

With our python 2.4 musicxml2ly does not barf, it simply produces garbage that lateron causes lilypond to fail.

The error was introduced when John Gourlay copied changes made by Philomelos into the LilyPond git tree in commits


in February 2016. Since these changes were copied as a bunch, one would probably have to delve into Philomelos's git tree or analyze the source directly.

If you folks think it would be worth the effort, I could try to do this.


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