On 08/02/2020 17:50, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
GNU Kind Communication Guidelines

To-may-to, To-mah-to Werner.

Anyway to answer Karlin's request, I am probably the last person in the 'dev' team to worry about. Yes I seem to do a lot of 'work' but it *is* just 'janitorial' duties (which is a rather good way to explain it) and, assuming we do manage to get the automation suggestions in place then there will be no need of what I do, which will be much better for the project (I hope).

Note however that there has never been anything stopping anyone else from fully testing patches (I occasionally offer this up when a dev complains that things are too slow for them in terms of patch review, or if they have a patch sat in the new queue waiting on 'someone' to test). Because of lost patches we had a second person (similar to me, a non-dev I think, called Colin) that kept track of these (again with useful helper scripts from Mark Hohl?).

(If I am mis-remembering names here I apologize)

Colin decided he could no longer commit to his 'LP duties anymore' and no one offered to step in, so I did - otherwise nothing would have got done it seemed and those existing devs at that time may have become more demoralised. So now here we are with me doing both roles and doing them manually (more or less) because we ran out of people to step in to do these things and the helper scripts stopped working when we moved from Google Code.

Anyway, the point is that nothing I do here is as very significant compared to those developers that actually write 'code' (I am not looking for sympathy here, I am merely stating what I believe), so my opinions about a CoC are, in the grand scheme of things, not going to affect the code base of LP (i.e. you won't be losing a useful developer so to speak), but I was more and more objecting to the seemingly selected deafness/blind-eye turning of some of the people commenting on this CoC thread as if it was all 'sweetness and light'. So without any real skin to loose in this game I spoke up.

If we end up waiting for the automation stuff to be working and THEN implement the CoC (or this GNU Happy Place Pamhplet) then it won't affect the project at all as my current duties will be voided (and again, that is fine). But if this CoC was, as it was seeming as of yesterday, a foregone conclusion (unlike the Automation) then I thought I better warn the dev team so they could at least plan for my absence.

Maybe this will help focus minds on the automation?

If so, then something positive would have come out of this CoC thread after all.



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