Le 25/10/2020 à 14:42, Jonas Hahnfeld a écrit :
As the title says. We still need to merge the PO translations (see
https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/476 ) and pick
them to stable/2.22. If you speak one of the concerned languages that
I've been hijacking the translation for (ca, eo, es, it, nl, sv),
please consider giving it a short look. I'll also merge the translation
branch to stable/2.22 before asking Phil for a release.

Before releasing, it seems like my computer is reluctant to let me read the translated texidocs in the NR and I'd like to know why. I don't manage to diagnose when this change appeared (docs for 2.21.7 are OK on lilypond.org).


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