Looking at this now.  I see that in the 2.22 branch VERSION numbers are stable 
2.22.0 and devel will be 2.21.80.  I've never really worked out how GUB decides 
to create a new stable version or a development version, but it's conceivable 
that it creates the highest numerical version.  I'm wondering whether it would 
be good to have the stable version number fixed at 2.20.0 until we're ready to 
release 2.22.0?

On 29/10/2020 15:52, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 25.10.2020, 14:42 +0100 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld:
As the title says. We still need to merge the PO translations (see
https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/476 ) and pick
them to stable/2.22. If you speak one of the concerned languages that
I've been hijacking the translation for (ca, eo, es, it, nl, sv),
please consider giving it a short look. I'll also merge the translation
branch to stable/2.22 before asking Phil for a release.
All items from my list are done (above + fixing the translated snippets
when building in-tree) and stable/2.22 looks good from what I can tell.
So, I think we're ready for a first release candidate.
Phil, if you have time, could you run a build on stable/2.22? I will
stop picking fixes into the branch to avoid any interference (commits
to translation can of course continue).


Phil Holmes

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