Le 26/10/2020 à 19:30, Jonas Hahnfeld a écrit :

Yes, that !347 is quoted in commit d75b86de13 which introduced the
above commit hash. As you were running translation-status in commit
a2f89036bc, I suspected a rebase issue which would have kept the old
commit hash for some time in your local repository.

Of course, all of that doesn't matter after updating the commit hashes
to some value that allows translation-status to succeed ;-)

Juts for the record, with everything updated and pushed to Translation:

-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/GIT/Traduc/Documentation/" -*-
Compilation started at Tue Oct 27 16:57:17

make ISOLANG=fr NO_COLOR=1 check-translation > ../../chktrans
warning: fr/search-box.ihtml: 128 fatal: path 'Documentation/en/search-box.ihtml' does not exist in 'HEAD'

Compilation finished at Tue Oct 27 16:57:20

and an empty file for chktrans.
I don't really care about the English search-box that lives one step above unlike the translated ones.

So, for now, the only thing that misses is a run of translation-status just before releasing.


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