Hi Luca,

Thanks for your insights! Much appreciated.

Le 21/04/2022 à 08:55, Luca Fascione a écrit :
I'd think you can up this by one, and get a cleaner looking piece of code if you implement scm_dynwind_fluid() as a forwarded method on your context:


  Dynwind_context dwc; // overloaded so you can call dwc(SCM_F_DYNWIND_REWINDABLE);
  dwc.fluid (fluid1, value1);
  dwc.fluid (fluid2, value2);

  dwc.unwind_handler(handler, data, flags); // overloaded for the SCM vs void* cases,   dwc.rewind_handler(handler, data, flags); // overloaded for the SCM vs void* cases,                                             // maybe it ought to check if the constructor was DYNWIND_REWINDABLE and complain                                             // (only in debug builds?) if things are not set up right


Making a method of the context is an attractive proposal, as
it prevents from forgetting to introduce a context.

Actually, the specific use case is much narrower than this particular
set of methods: I don't need C++ wrappers for all dynwind-related Guile
APIs, I just have one need for fluids. The example in the first email was
a straw man for the sake of explanation.

However in all this, I must say I don't understand this passage in manual:

    The context is ended either implicitly when a non-local exit
    happens, or explicitly with scm_dynwind_end. You must make sure
    that a dynwind context is indeed ended properly. If you fail to
    call scm_dynwind_end for each scm_dynwind_begin, the behavior is

It seems to me the first phrase and the rest slightly contradict each other: as I hear it, the first phrase says "either the C side calls scm_dynwind_end(), OR a non-local exit happens", whereas the rest seems to be saying "the C side _shall_ call scm_dynwind_end". This bothers me, because in the second case our C++ is nice and lovely, but in the first meaning the destructor of dwc has to somehow figure out whether a non-local exit has happened, and avoid calling scm_dynwind_end(). And I don't think scm library can cope on its own, because these things look to me like they would nest, so making scm_dynwind_end() idempotent without some sort of explicit marker on the scope seems... hard.

So yes, I'd think RAII is the idiomatic way to go, I would add the wrappers because they make the pattern cleaner, but do figure out what's up with this last question first, because it could bring it all crumbling down.

Let's do a little test:

diff --git a/lily/main.cc b/lily/main.cc
index c98db72e8c..b8e928e29c 100644
--- a/lily/main.cc
+++ b/lily/main.cc
@@ -496,6 +496,21 @@ do_chroot_jail ()

+class Dynwind_context
+  Dynwind_context ()
+  {
+    message ("starting dynwind context");
+    scm_dynwind_begin (static_cast<scm_t_dynwind_flags> (0));
+  }
+  ~Dynwind_context ()
+  {
+    message ("ending dynwind context");
+    scm_dynwind_end ();
+  }
 static void
 main_with_guile (void *, int, char **)
@@ -505,6 +520,17 @@ main_with_guile (void *, int, char **)
  * to main_with_guile.
+  message ("normal termination:");
+  {
+    Dynwind_context dwc;
+    message ("before normal termination");
+  }
+  message ("termination by exception:");
+  {
+    Dynwind_context dwc;
+    message ("before termination by exception");
+    scm_throw (ly_symbol2scm ("x"), SCM_EOL);
+  }
   /* Engravers use lily.scm contents, so we need to make Guile find it.
      Prepend onto GUILE %load-path.
       %load-path is the symbol Guile searches for .scm files

Running this, I get:

normal termination:
starting dynwind context
before normal termination
ending dynwind context
termination by exception:
starting dynwind context
before termination by exceptionBacktrace:
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1752:10  1 (with-exception-handler _ _ #:unwind? _ # _)
In unknown file:
           0 (apply-smob/0 #<thunk 7f043fd362e0>)

ERROR: In procedure apply-smob/0:
Throw to key `x' with args `()'.

As you can see, scm_dynwind_end () is not called on the non-local exit.

There are actually two kinds of non-local exits that we are talking about
here: the C++ ones, and the Guile ones. C++ does them via return,
break, continue, C++ exceptions. Guile does them via Guile exceptions
and continuations. When Guile captures a continuation, for example,
it just copies the whole C(++) stack in an object, and reinstating
the continuation simply copies the saved stack data back into the
stack. See the end of

Exceptions are kind of a special case of this (except that in Guile 2
and later it looks like they are actually implemented with
delimited/composable continuations, aka prompts, rather than traditional
continuations, but I haven't looked at that too closely).

Thus, C++ RAII stuff ensures destructors get called upon C++ non-local
exits, but not Guile ones.

So the meaning of the docs here is that you must insert a call to
scm_dynwind_end () that will work under all circumstances that are
normal from the Guile point of view, including local control flow,
and C++ non-local control flow. Guile arranges to terminate dynamic
contexts in the case of Guile non-local control flow.

The RAII approach allows not to forget calling scm_dynwind_end ()
for C++ non-local control flow.


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